APQP Support
– Facilitation and Contract Services –
⇓ Introduction to APQP Support
⇓ Benefits of APQP Facilitation

Introduction to APQP Support
Many companies find it confusing to implement Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP). The lack of resources may also contribute to the need for APQP Support. Quality-One provides APQP Support for strategy development, tools facilitation and contract services, which enhance problem prevention during product and process development. Quality-One has developed an approach to determine the level of applicability of APQP, based on potential value.
APQP is growing in use across a diverse spectrum of industries. It is no longer an automotive-specific process, as non-automotive industries using APQP currently out number automotive usage. Our APQP Support Services have a proven track record of providing value as measured by, time to complete product and process design, improved utilization of engineering resources, fewer problems at launch and improved customer satisfaction.
About APQP Facilitation
APQP Facilitation is very efficient. The total cost and time impact of a poor APQP activity is not initially measured by the organization. The cost of recalls, problem solving and lost customers is only felt after the product or service is launched. This is the aftermath of poor planning. With shorter development times, fewer engineers and technical personnel dedicated to a project, APQP methodology can improve Product Development (PD) efficiency.
APQP without facilitation and support is often described as tedious, boring and sluggish. The total time to complete APQP, considering resources and number of development hours, is shorter when experienced with a skilled Quality-One APQP Facilitator. Our customers report greater than 70% reduction in development time and therefore their resources are utilized more effectively on the actual design work. The results of APQP Facilitation are measured in mitigation actions on risk discovered and flawless launch.
Benefits of APQP Facilitation
Customers may experience the following benefits of APQP Facilitation:
- Greater than 70% reduction in time to complete key tools (resources better utilized)
- Structured Methodology which is more process oriented vs. “check-the-box”
- Risk actions directed toward design review process
- Earlier determination of need for prevention actions
- Less subjective discussion time on items with small risk
- Team size is modulated and changed, respecting the valuable time of team members
- Responsible engineer receives an output which can immediately be used in design activity impacting performance and safety
About APQP Contract Services
APQP Contract Services are necessary when speed and effectiveness are of utmost importance. Using your Engineering and Technical Resources to apply the tools of APQP without assistance can be very time consuming. Companies with large or complex projects must discover and mitigate risk throughout the product and process development process. The number of APQP tools and depth of content is often overlooked. APQP Contract Services from Quality-One will provide value in tool use and relief to already burdened engineering and technical staff. We will join your team and provide instant results through utilization of “Best Practices” from years of experience using the APQP process. Our APQP Contract Services may be used in:
- Tools Facilitation (i.e. FMEA, DFM/A, Control Plan Methodology, etc.)
- Quality planning phase and scheduling
- Management of the APQP process including Design Review structure
- Follow Up of Actions for Risk Mitigation
- Training and Mentoring of Suppliers in APQP
- Training and Mentoring of Technical Staff
Benefits of APQP Contract Services
- Ready to work personnel with expertise in APQP
- Cost effective in reducing time for APQP development
- Increase in time for engineers to develop and design
- Performed correctly and with the emphasis on discovery of failure, not filled in forms
- Assurance that your customer’s expectations of APQP are delivered
- Hands On skills development adopted by the team as they are exposed to the Quality-One experts
Learn More About APQP Support
Quality-One offers Quality and Reliability Support for Product and Process Development through Consulting, Training and Project Support. Quality-One provides Knowledge, Guidance and Direction in Quality and Reliability activities, tailored to your unique wants, needs and desires. Let us help you Discover the Value of APQP Consulting, APQP Training or APQP Project Support.