8D Support
– Facilitation and Contract Services –

Introduction to 8D Support
Your customers expect problem solving to be fast and thorough in order to eliminate process interruptions and warranty concerns. However, many companies find it difficult to find the root causes of a problem and to take corrective action. Like any problem solving method, 8D works effectively only when it is properly performed. Without an effective outcome, the exercise is a waste of time.
Quality-One provides 8D Support Services in order to lift the burden of problem solving from your company so that it can be performed quickly and effectively. Our 8D Support Services have a proven track record of providing value as measured by: improved time to completion, better time management of engineers / technical personnel and reduced recurrent problems. You can depend on our 8D Support Services to increase customer confidence in your problem solving capability.
About 8D Facilitation
Teams unfamiliar with 8D often describe them as tedious, confusing and not detailed enough for complete Root Cause Analysis (RCA). A poorly performed 8D often results in rejection of the 8D by a customer or a recurrence of the problem. Considering the limited time that engineers and technical personnel have, it is crucial to perform the process correctly the first time to prevent additional cost in the future.
With a skilled Quality-One 8D Facilitator, the total time to complete the task is reduced. Our customers report a greater first-time root cause elimination, which in turn reduces the need for repetitive problem solving efforts. Customers who opt for 8D Facilitation can expect a reduction in recurring problems and improved customer confidence in their problem solving abilities.
8D Facilitation Process
The 8D Facilitation Process has four distinct phases. To ensure the proper focus is applied, team structure and support tools are modified from Inductive (Convergent techniques) to Deductive (Divergent techniques). This balances the fact application with the creative development for a more complete problem solving experience. The four phases are as follows:
- D0 and D1 Assessment of Symptoms and Magnitude of the Problem (Inductive)
- Has the symptom been quantified and are there examples of the failure?
- Does expertise exist within the company to discover the root cause in an unbiased way?
- Are resources available: time, technology and personnel?
- Have cost and delivery impacts been defined?
- Have Moral and Legal obligations been considered?
- Is the Emergency Response Action (ERA) effective?
- Team Selection: Core Team of 3 and Quality-One 8D Facilitator
- D2 and D3 Problem Statement / Description and ICA (Deductive / Inductive / Deductive)
- Initial Problem Symptom data reviewed with team and dissemination of symptoms initiated
- Brainstorming and data collection
- DOE / Kaizen processes as required for data gathering
- Define Type of Problem (change-induced or never-achieved)
- Identify Most Likely Processes
- Determine Interim Containment Action
- D4 through D6 Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Counter Measures Implementation (Inductive)
- Impact of human factors (operator error)
- Process of elimination through factual comparisons
- Comparative analysis (Is vs. Is Not)
- Development of Most Likely Cause(s) (MLC)
- Initiation of Root Cause Theories and verification against facts
- Confirmation of Root Cause(s) through experimentation (turn on / off at will)
- Review Quality Controls System to identify Escape Point
- Selection of counter measures on Root Cause and Escape Point
- Error Proofing (Poka Yoke)
- Process Capability optimization
- Mistake Proofing
- Implementation planning
- Change management and communication
- Statistically significant validation
- D7 and D8 Preventative Action and Lessons Learned (Deductive and Inductive)
- Define opportunities for standard work
- Communicate across all manufacturing lines, plants and similar products
- Update procedures, policies or practices
- Estimate total improvement impact on organization
- Team acknowledgement of success
- Document closure and archive
- Final report
Upon completion of the 8D, the Quality-One Team will prepare a final technical report. This report will detail: each step in the 8D Format (with supporting documentation), meeting agendas (with minutes) and collected data that validates the root cause(s), escape points and systemic failures which have been eliminated.
Benefits of 8D Facilitation
8D Facilitation allows your organization to take advantage of the extensive problem solving experience of Quality-One. We have acquired our 8D knowledge by being an integral part of the Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS) creation at Ford Motor Company and applying the techniques and methods on high-profile projects since the 1980s. With Quality-One 8D Facilitation, you can expect the following benefits:
- Fewer repeat problems
- Customer confidence in problem solving capability
- Information Management of the 8D content for reuse
- Assurance that the 8D process format is completed correctly
- Reduced time to find the root cause(s)
- Disciplined team leadership in 8D development
- Thorough approach to use of supplementary tools supporting 8D
- Affinity
- Ishikawa / Fishbone
- Is / Is Not Worksheet
- Comparative Analysis
- Concept selection
- Direction and clarification of all 8D activities
- Knowledge transfer in a hands-on environment
- Effective use of resources / time management
About 8D Contract Services
When speed and effectiveness are of the utmost importance, 8D Contract Services may be the best option for your organization. Using your Engineering and Technical Resources to complete 8Ds without assistance is often time-consuming. Companies with a large number of problems or very difficult problems contact Quality-One Contract Services to provide relief to an already burdened staff. We will roll up our sleeves and provide instant results by utilizing 8D Best Practices. Our 8D Contract Services may be used in:
- 8D Moderation and Mentoring
- 8D Auditing, Scheduling and Revision Control
- Management of the 8D Process including CAPA Management
- Encouragement of teams when data and analysis is late
- Supplier Development, Training and Mentoring
- Training, Mentoring and Development of Technical Staff
Benefits of 8D Contract Services
- Ready-to-work personnel with 8D expertise
- Reduced time for development of the 8D process and improved cost-effectiveness
- Strong team leadership and correction of poor development behavior
- Emphasis on discovery of root-cause, not high-level problems
- Assurance that your customer’s expectations of 8Ds are delivered
- Hands-on skills development
About 8D Process Auditing
The more often the 8D problem solving process is used, the more likely it is to become mundane. Instead of a thorough investigation, performing the process is reduced to going through the motions and checking off a list. As a result, there is an increased risk of recurring problems that require extensive resolution efforts. The Quality-One 8D Process Auditing Team checks up on the health of your 8D process to provide corrections that will result in better performance.
Benefits of 8D Process Auditing
- Avoid major process inefficiencies
- Discover waste embedded within the process
- Improve the team’s use of problem solving tools
- Increase the team’s effectiveness and behavior
- Improve the overall health of the 8D problem solving process
Learn More About 8D Support
Quality-One offers Quality and Reliability Support for Product and Process Development through Consulting, Training and Project Support. Quality-One provides Knowledge, Guidance and Direction in Quality and Reliability activities, tailored to your unique wants, needs and desires. Let us help you Discover the Value of 8D Consulting, 8D Training or 8D Project Support.