ISO 14001 Consulting
– Guidance and Direction –
⇓ Introduction to ISO 14001 Consulting
⇓ Benefits of ISO 14001 Consulting

Introduction to ISO 14001 Consulting
Implementing ISO 14001:2015 requires dedicated resources and time. Most organizations are continually seeking out ways to reduce expenses and improve the bottom line. Successful implementation of an ISO 14001:2015 compliant Environmental Management System can enable your organization to identify risk relating to possible non-conformances and reduce or prevent costly environmental incidents. Consumers and other companies are more environmentally conscious than at any pervious time in history. Organizations and consumers are more concerned about the environmental practices of the companies that supply their materials, parts or subassemblies. Establishing a robust and effective Environmental Management System is a powerful way to demonstrate your organization’s commitment to managing your environmental impact. This can also enhance your image, increase your brand equity and potentially improve your market share.
Benefits of ISO 14001 Consulting
Having a robust plan for development and implementation of an EMS along with a clearly marked path towards certification can considerably reduce the time and expense involved. Quality-One will not only assist in developing your EMS plan, our ISO 14001 Consulting team will also help your organization stick to the plan and stay on your path to certification.
At Quality-One, we understand that each organization’s circumstances and needs are unique. Therefore, our ISO 14001 Consulting Services are customized to your specific needs. Our highly trained and experienced subject matter experts will provide you guidance and direction in developing and implementing your strategic plan for certification. Our team will also provide effective coaching and mentoring for your management staff throughout the development implementation and certification process, based on knowledge gained through years of experience in ISO certification across many industries. Benefits of ISO 14001 Consulting include:
- Reduced EMS development and implementation time
- Quicker path to certification
- Improved effectiveness of the EMS
- Fulfillment of all legal and regulatory requirements
- Improved ability to set and achieve EMS objectives
- Development of a continual improvement culture within your organization
Application of best practices by highly qualified, knowledgeable subject matter experts working with your teams and guiding management through the process can significantly improve the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System and the ability to meet the organization’s objectives.
Methodology for ISO 14001 Consulting
Quality-One will utilize an organized, logical approach for development and implementation of an ISO 14001:2015 compliant Environmental Management System. This approach is effective in defining the project scope, facilitating productive planning activities, assignment of responsibilities and evaluation of the results. The outcome is an effective and efficient plan for EMS development and implementation targeted for first time compliance or registration to the ISO 14001:2015 requirements. Gaining ISO 14001:2015 compliance is accomplished through a defined series of planned phases:
- Executive and Management Overview / Planning
- Current EMS Gap Assessment and Planning
- Development of Processes and Documentation
- Training and Implementation
- Internal Audit and Management Review
- 3rd Party Registration Assessment
- Sustain and Continual Improvement
The Quality-One Seven-Phase Approach:
- Executive and Management Overview / Planning
- Planning
- Define Context of Organization
- Define Needs and Expectations of Workers and other Interested Parties
- Define EMS Scope
- Define Leadership and Worker Participation
- Define System Support and Operation Requirements
- Define High Level Processes and System Map
- Define High Level Project Plan Description
- Define High Level Risks to EMS System Success
- Define Organizations Objectives and Targets
- Communication and Training Plan
- Define Internal and External Communication Plans
- Define Training Plans
- Executive and Management Overviews
- Executive and Management Overviews
- Requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard
- Process Approach to EMS
- Managing the Interaction of Processes and Systems
- Description of the Organization’s Project Plan
- Planning
- Gap Assessment and Planning
- Gap Assessment
- Perform a Gap Assessment of current EMS against requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard
- Use EMS process map as a guide
- Perform Assessments with Process Owners
- Document Results and Use Results as inputs into Process Development
- Planning
- Re-assess planning performed in Phase 1
- From Gap Assessment Findings Revise / Update
- Project Plans
- Communications Plans
- Training Plans
- Gap Assessment
- Management System Development and Documentation
- EMS Policy Development
- Create Level 1 Policy Document
- Involve Leadership in Policy Development
- Include EMS Process Map
- Use as a guide in Policy Development
- Include EMS references versus the ISO 14001 Requirements
- Management System and Process Development
- Define Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities
- Management / EMS System Owners / Workers / etc.
- Define method for Consultation and Participation of Workers
- Develop Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities
- Hazard Identification and Assessment of Risks and Opportunities
- Determine Legal Requirements and other Requirements
- Determine EMS Objectives and Plans to achieve them
- Define Support Requirements
- Determine Resources required
- Evaluate required worker competence to support EMS
- Establish Training Plans as required
- Establish plan to ensure adequate awareness of EMS at all levels of organization
- Define Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities
- Create EMS processes using the process approach
- Operational Planning and Control Processes
- Elimination of Hazards and reducing Risk
- Change Management Process
- Procurement of Products and Services
- Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Define Performance Evaluation Requirements
- Monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation
- Internal Audits
- Management Reviews
- Define Improvement Requirements
- Incidents, Nonconformity and corrective actions reporting
- Continual Improvement
- Determine Document Control and Retention Requirements
- Review / Approvals / Document Nomenclature
- Review ISO 14001 Requirements with Process Owner/Teams
- EMS Policy Development
- Implementation and Training
- Implementation
- Develop Implementation Plans
- Purpose: describes the implementation requirements for the defined process in order to support the EMS Requirements
- Scope: Define the scope the plan covers (processes)
- Activity: Define required Activity Steps
- Who is Involved: Define Who needs to be Involved
- Timing: Define Timing Requirements
- Deliverables: Define Plan Deliverables
- Responsibility: Define Responsibilities
- Other as appropriate
- Develop Implementation Plans
- EMS Training
- All Employee Training
- Use communications process developed in phase 1 to cover general requirements
- Communicate EMS plan and Objectives
- Communicate plan for Consultation and Participation of Workers
- Hazard Identification training
- RCA – Root Cause Analysis training
- Risk Assessment Tools Training
- Audit process and Auditor training
- Leadership / Process Owner / Manager / Internal Assessors
- Review new Quality Management System
- High Level Processes (Procedures)
- Management Training
- Review EMS
- Review Management System Processes
- Review Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
- Review Resource commitments for Support and Operation of EMS system
- Review EMS Objectives and Plan for Achieving them
- Review Documentation Process
- Review legal and other requirements
- Functional Area Requirements
- As per Implementation Plans for those areas
- Other
- As appropriate for the unique needs of the organization
- Internal Auditor Training
- Current Auditors
- ISO 14001 Overview
- Process Auditing Methodology
- New Auditors
- ISO 14001 Overview
- Internal Auditing Basics
- Process Auditing Methodology
- Current Auditors
- All Employee Training
- Implementation
- Internal Audit and Management Review
- Internal Audit
- Internal Audit Planning
- Based on EMS Map and Defined Processes
- Audits by Core and Support Functional Areas
- Internal Audits (Validate EMS Implementation)
- Define Who Will Perform Audits
- Define Audit Schedules
- Communicate Audit Schedules to Process Owners / Auditees
- Perform Audits and Initiate Corrective Actions as Required
- Prepare Internal Audit Reports for Management Review
- Management Review
- Plan Management Review Meeting
- Attain all process output and Analyze Data
- Summarize Analyzed Data for Review Input
- Results of Internal Audits
- Process Performance (Suitability, Adequacy and Effectiveness)
- Hazards Identified and Opportunities
- Status of Corrective and Preventive Actions
- Follow-up Actions from previous Meetings
- Changes that could affect the EMS, and Recommendations for Improvements
- Prepare and Summarize Man. Review Output Decisions or Actions Required to
- Improve the Effectiveness of the EMS and its Processes
- Improve worker Health and Safety
- Foster a Continual Improvement Culture
- Internal Audit
- Compliance / 3rd Party Registration Assessment
- Close any Open Items / Corrective Actions from Internal Assessment or Management Reviews
- Complete Cross-Reference of EMS versus ISO 14001 Requirements
- Where to find Documentation
- Prepare Registrar Assessment Plan with Registrar / Select Guides (Process Owners)
- Schedule Assessment and Communicate to Process Owners and Auditees
- Sustain and Continual Improvement
- Summarize Continual Improvement Activities by Process and Align to
- Business Goals
- EMS Objectives
- EMS Planning Activities
- Measures of Effectiveness
- Continued Internal Assessment and Management Review to Assure Process and System Continual Improvement
- Summarize Continual Improvement Activities by Process and Align to
Learn More About ISO 14001 Consulting
Quality-One offers Environmental Management Systems Development through Consulting, Training and Project Support. Quality-One provides Knowledge, Guidance and Direction in EMS development activities, tailored to your unique wants, needs and desires. Let us help you Discover the Value of ISO 14001 Consulting, ISO 14001 Training or ISO 14001 Project Support.